
Newsletter August 2021

Newsletter August 2021

“Vision is the ability to talk about the future with such clarity, it is as if we are talking about the past” – Simon Sinek

We at Maven Silicon continue to evolve at the speed of market change while continuing our deep tradition of creating brighter futures in VLSI technology. The development of new technologies allows us to transform the learning experience for our trainees. The creation of new technical courses and unique support models is the major element of our core training strategy, making us the Centre of Excellence in VLSI.

Here is our journey of the last quarter…


Our Founder, CEO P.R. Sivakumar shared his experience and perspectives of VLSI training in his interview with Semiwiki.

  • What is the uniqueness of our pedagogy?
  • How does Maven Silicon address the challenges of the semiconductor industry and academia?
  • Why RISC-V and Siemens EDA? Read more…

The ever-changing needs of the VLSI industry seek the best talent for pivotal roles and we are delighted to share that our 200+ trainees secured placements in the last quarter in top companies like AMD, Aura Semiconductors, Cadence, Capgemini, Cyient, Eximius, HCL, Intel, Samsung, Synopsys, Tech Mahindra, UST Global, and many more… 

Click here to hire.


Our Founder and CEO Mr. P R Sivakumar has published an article ‘Semiconductor Industry 2.0’ for the Design & Reuse – Industry Experts Blog.

He explains how everything is changing in the semiconductor industry to keep pace with 50 years old Moore’s law and how the industry is evolving to support new technologies like AI.


UPCOMING EVENT: Panel Discussion on the topic “Hard to Hire VLSI Engineers”. Stay tuned for more details.

We aim to support & empower the Semiconductor Industry in every possible way. A BIG thanks to all, who see us as a partner in their growth.
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