Is PCB Assembly an Embedded System?

Is PCB Assembly an Embedded System

Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Assemblies are fundamental components in electronic devices, providing the physical platform for an embedded system. However, there’s often confusion about whether this itself is an embedded system. In this blog, we’ll clarify the relationship between PCB assemblies and embedded systems.

What is a PCB Assembly?

The electronics circuit required for a specific functionality is assembled on the PCB designed for that purpose. PCB is designed such that it provides connectivity between different components as required by the designed circuit. It also has power planes in required layers so that the circuit works as per the specified conditions. The circuit consists of Integrated Circuits, Memories, active/ passive components (like transistors, diodes, resistors, capacitors, switches), connectors(like general headers, RJ45 connector, VGA connector etc). They come in various types, such as single-layer, double-layer, and multi-layer boards, depending on the complexity and requirements of the system. Software required (if any) for the system will be either installed on Flash/ ROM memory available on the assembly or it could be on a SD card inserted on the appropriate slot. 

What is an Embedded System?

Embedded systems are designed for specific functionality or application and often operate in real-time environments where reliability, performance are critical. It typically includes a PCB assembly containing the required microcontroller based circuit mounted on a chassis. The chassis may also contain required input and output devices like keypads, touchpads or displays. 

Relationship Between PCB Assembly and Embedded Systems

While a PCB assembly is not a complete embedded system by itself, it often serves as the physical platform on which embedded systems are built. Here’s how they relate:

  • PCB assembly integrates most of the electronics components of an embedded system, ensuring they work together seamlessly to perform the intended tasks. This integration involves careful planning and design to minimize interference and maximize performance.
  • Embedded system contains PCB assembly, input devices/ output devices and communication devices mounted on a mechanical chassis. 
  • Software required for an embedded system is stored in the non volatile memory (Flash or ROM) on the PCB assembly or a separate SD card inserted on the PCB assembly. 

Also read: Microcontroller in Embedded Systems

Examples of Embedded Systems on PCB assemblies

  • Microcontroller Boards: Arduino, STM32 Nucleo, BeagleBone Black and Raspberry Pi PCB assemblies feature in some modern day embedded systems in as-is form or customized form. 
  • Consumer Electronics: Devices like smartphones and smartwatches have embedded systems built on complex PCB assemblies that integrate processors, memory, sensors, and communication modules to provide advanced functionalities.

Also read: What are the Types of Embedded Systems?


A PCB assembly is a critical component of an embedded system. Understanding this distinction helps clarify the roles each plays in the broader context of electronic device design and functionality. PCBs provide the necessary hardware functionality for embedded systems, enabling them to perform their dedicated functions efficiently and reliably.

Looking to kickstart your career as an Embedded Systems Engineer? Stay tuned for our upcoming Embedded Systems Course, launching soon! Click here to learn more about the course offerings.


Chief Technical Officer, Maven Silicon
Mr. Hemachandra R Bhat has over 35 years of experience in VLSI and Embedded Systems, including demonstrated history of the development of AI Products and IT Services. He has expertise in Product Engineering, IC Design, Linux Drivers, Embedded System Design, Robotics platforms based on mobile robots, including drones. He has developed scalable platforms for Robotics and Drones and has 2 patents granted.