Debugging Techniques for Embedded Systems

Debugging Techniques for Embedded Systems

Embedded systems are the backbone of numerous modern devices, from household appliances to industrial machines and medical devices. Ensuring their reliability and performance is crucial, and this often hinges on effective debugging. Debugging embedded systems can be challenging due to their complexity and constraints, but with the right techniques, developers can identify and resolve issues efficiently. It is also important to see how these techniques can be used by the field engineers when they attend customer calls. In this blog, we’ll explore essential debugging techniques for embedded systems, providing insights and best practices to enhance your development process.

Also read: What is an Embedded System?

Introduction to Embedded Systems Debugging

Debugging is the process of identifying, analyzing, and resolving issues within a system. For embedded systems, debugging is particularly critical due to the systems’ specialized functions and environments. Unlike general-purpose computers, embedded systems often operate with limited resources, real-time constraints, and in environments where physical access can be challenging. Effective debugging ensures that these systems perform reliably, meeting the stringent requirements of their applications.

Common Challenges in Debugging Embedded Systems

Limited Visibility

One of the main challenges in debugging embedded systems is the limited visibility into the system’s internal state. Unlike software running on a desktop, where detailed logs and debuggers can provide comprehensive insights, embedded systems often lack the luxury of extensive logging due to resource constraints.

Real-Time Constraints

Many embedded systems operate in real-time environments, where timing is crucial. Debugging in such systems must account for the need to maintain real-time performance, making traditional debugging methods like logging potentially disruptive. 

Hardware-Software Interaction

Embedded systems are a blend of hardware and software. Issues can arise from the interaction between these two domains, complicating the debugging process. A problem might not be purely software-related but could stem from hardware behavior or vice versa.

Also read: What are the Challenges of Embedded Systems?

Essential Debugging Techniques

Using Serial Output

Serial output is one of the most straightforward and effective debugging techniques for embedded systems. By sending debug messages to a serial console, developers can monitor the system’s behavior in real-time. This method is minimally intrusive and can provide valuable insights into the system’s state and operations.

Best Practices for Serial Output:

  • Selective Logging: Only log essential information to avoid overwhelming the output and consuming too much processing time especially when getting into time critical loops.
  • Conditional Compilation: Use macros to enable or disable debug output easily without altering the main codebase.

In-Circuit Debuggers (ICDs) and In-Circuit Emulators (ICEs)

In-circuit debuggers (ICDs) and in-circuit emulators (ICEs) are powerful tools that allow developers to interact with the embedded system in real-time. These tools enable setting breakpoints, stepping through code, and inspecting variables and memory. Most of the time ICDs are proprietary to a particular microprocessor family so usage across products may be an issue. 

Advantages of ICDs and ICEs:

  • Real-Time Debugging: Enables real-time inspection and modification without halting the entire system.
  • Comprehensive Insights: Provides detailed information about the system’s state and behavior.

JTAG Debugging

Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) is a standard for verifying and testing printed circuit boards (PCBs) and embedded systems. JTAG debugging provides a means to control and monitor the embedded system’s execution, making it a valuable tool for diagnosing complex issues.

Key Benefits of JTAG Debugging:

  • Low-Level Access: Offers access to the system at the hardware level, useful for diagnosing hardware-related issues.
  • Non-Intrusive: Allows debugging without significantly impacting system performance.

Also read: What are the Benefits of Embedded Systems?

Logic Analyzers

Logic analyzers are essential for debugging hardware-related issues in embedded systems. They capture and display signals from the system, helping developers understand timing issues, signal integrity, and communication protocols.

Effective Use of Logic Analyzers:

  • Protocol Analyser: Analyze communication protocols like I2C, SPI, and CAN to diagnose issues in data transmission.
  • Timing Analyser: Examine timing relationships between different signals to identify and resolve timing-related problems.

Software-Based Debugging Tools

Software-based debugging tools, such as integrated development environments (IDEs) and specialized debugging software, provide a range of features to assist in debugging embedded systems. These tools often include simulators, code analyzers, and memory checkers.

Features to Leverage:

  • Simulators: Test and debug code in a simulated environment before deploying it to the actual hardware.
  • Memory Checkers: Identify memory leaks, buffer overflows, and other memory-related issues.

Best Practices for Effective Debugging

Systematic Approach

Adopt a systematic approach to debugging. Start by isolating the problem, then develop hypotheses and test them methodically. Documenting each step helps in tracking progress and revisiting assumptions if needed.

Minimal Intrusiveness

Ensure that debugging techniques are as non-intrusive as possible. Introducing significant changes or excessive logging can alter the system’s behavior, making it harder to diagnose issues accurately.


Collaborate with hardware and software teams. Since embedded systems involve both domains, effective communication and collaboration between teams can lead to faster and more accurate diagnosis and resolution of issues.


Debugging embedded systems is a complex but essential task that requires a combination of techniques and best practices. By leveraging tools like serial output, in-circuit debuggers, JTAG, logic analyzers, and software-based tools, developers can gain valuable insights into their systems’ behavior. Adopting a systematic and collaborative approach further enhances the effectiveness of the debugging process. As embedded systems continue to advance, mastering these debugging techniques will be crucial for developing reliable, high-performance devices.

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Chief Technical Officer, Maven Silicon
Mr. Hemachandra R Bhat has over 35 years of experience in VLSI and Embedded Systems, including demonstrated history of the development of AI Products and IT Services. He has expertise in Product Engineering, IC Design, Linux Drivers, Embedded System Design, Robotics platforms based on mobile robots, including drones. He has developed scalable platforms for Robotics and Drones and has 2 patents granted.