Your Brand Ambassador

Your Brand Ambassador

Hunting for a Job?

Who reaches the table of the recruiter before you do?

Your Resume!

What is a Resume?

A bridge between you and the recruiter.

A document to secure new employment.

A summary of your skills, education, and accomplishments.

Or to sum it up, “Your Brand Ambassador.”

Needless to say, the resume is your reflection and also the first and a prime step during the job hunt process.

It is your first impression and also criteria to filter you in or out for the role.

So! Justifying the importance that your resume holds, I’ll pen down the key points for your resume building.

  1. The look: Yes it is important!

Invest time in choosing a really attractive yet subtle template for yourself.

You could refer the following for your help :

  1. Your Name: Be sure of the order of your first/middle/last name. Should align with your ID documents. All capital is a big No-No! Consider the sentence case.
  2. Colors: A combination of light background and the dark font is great. Also, avoid jazzy, bright colors.
  3. Font: Make sure the font is not very curvy and the size should be readable.
  4. Spacing matters to make it look clean and organized. Maintain even spacing.
  5. Bullets vs Paragraphs: My vote goes to bullet points considering the ease of reading and comprehending.
  6. Content: Keywords would do the job for you. Always align the content with the Job requirement and customize it each time you apply for the job.
  7. Structure: Your academic highlights, particular skills, and valuable accomplishments should always take the limelight. Make sure to arrange the data accordingly.
  8. Skillset: Keep it a combination of your technical and behavioral skill set.
  9. Career Objective/Summary/About me: Must have. Keep it interesting. Highlight your strengths and aspirations.

ATS Compliant resume: ATS stands for Application Tracking System, used to filter and process your resumes with respect to a particular job.

Points to note about an ATS compliant resume :

  • Optimize your resume with keywords.
  • Select the right file type. PDF is not compatible with all ATS software.
  • Don’t put important details in the header or footer.
  • Avoid charts, images, and graphs.
  • Use a clean resume design with a clear hierarchy.

Now that you have the right ingredients to kickstart the process, get ready to set your astounding first impressions.

As a part of our Business Communication Module of VLSI RN Course, we train our engineers about all the critical aspects of how to be a first choice of an employer by taking the right steps.